Russian Experimental Sanmarinian Universitarian Session (PSUS / RU)

of the International Academy of Sciences (AIS) San Marino
Moscow / Russian Federation, 1998.03.22 - 1998.03.29

PSUS/RU, the first official scientific conference (or "Summer School" in spring) of the AIS in Russia, will take place in a building of the Russian Academy of Sciences near Moscow, situated in a beautiful woodland on the Moskva river. This situation ensures a quiet and relaxing atmosphere for the conference. The house is equipped very comfortably and comprises a good restaurant and plenty of single and double rooms where participants can stay at very favourable prices (ca. 150.000 roubles for the single and 280.000 roubles for the double room). A beautiful auditory for the opending and closing ceremonies as well as smaller lecture rooms for courses and presentations are available. There is also a coffee-room where snacks and beverages, also alcoholic, are available, and a sauna.

Transportation from Moscow to the conference site will be organized. Participants arriving with their own car will find a safely lockable parking lot at their disposal.

To reserve a room please write to the organizing committee using the following address:

You may email your registration form, too; in this case we ask you to snail-mail a hardcopy to the Secretary to the Senate, Ms.

        ADoc. Joanna Lewoc
        Karl-Schwarzschild-Weg 6/317
        DE-37077 Göttingen
        (tel. +49-551-376072)

The organizing committee look forward to welcome many AIS members as well as other scientists to a fruitful and pleasant conference in March 1998.

Tatiana Rudakova and Bengt-Arne Wickström
Organizing Committee

Registration form for PSUS/RU
We apologize for not offering a "clickable" e-mail link. We do not include such links into our pages to avoid spamming.