AIS · aranĝoj · rumana scienca sesio 2007 · Programme

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Conference Schedule

Transfaka komunikado / Transdisciplinary Communication

Organizing bodies: The Teachers' Training Department (DPPD) of Lucian Blaga University Sibiu, the International Academy of the Sciences (AIS) San Marino, and the International Scientific Association of Sibiu.

March 2 – 4, 2007

Friday, 2007-03-02

2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: Lectures in Romanian language, at the DPPD building, Calea Dumbrăvii 35, Sibiu-Hermannstadt. Chair: Diana Mihăescu.

Saturday, 2007-03-03

9:00 – 3:00 p.m.: International section, lectures in other languages. Computer lab of the university house at str. Costache Negri no. 7, Sibiu-Hermannstadt. Chair: Reinhard Fössmeier.

Coffee break 11:30 – 12:00.


  1. Eric Gilder (English): Delineating Pathways of Trans-Disciplinary Communication: Eleven Elements of Understanding Across the Divides
  2. Carlo Minnaja (ILo): La filozofio de la internacia lingvo en la fino de la deknaŭa jarcento
  3. Hans-Dietrich Quednau (ILo): Plurlingvaj virtualaj kursoj generitaj per la XML-lingvo "WLMML"
  4. Reinhard Fössmeier (ILo): Lingvistiko kaj ekonomiko, "takso" kaj "imposto": Terminologia notico
  5. Ioana Crețu (German): Linguistische Interferenzen in Siebenbürgen
  6. François Lo Jacomo (ILo): Ĉu matematiko estas universala lingvo?
  7. Günter Lobin (ILo): Kio estas la objekto de turismo?
  8. Boĵidar Leonov (ILo): Juraj aspektoj en la ekologia turismo
  9. Bengt-Arne Wickström (ILo): Lingvaj rajtoj
  10. Eugen Macko (ILo): Dialogiko en transfaka komunikado
  11. Arno Warzel (ILo): La homspecifa agresopotenco kaj ĝiaj instigo-manieroj
  12. Alicja Lewanderska (ILo): Kompensa teorio de memtransformado, uzebla por infanoj, invalidoj kaj maljunuloj
  13. Sara Konnerth und Cristina Tanc (ILo): La "Virtuala Universitato"
  14. Walter Gebhardt (German): Ausbildung im Bereich der sozialen Arbeit im Internationalen Kontext

We kindly ask the lecturers to present the key ideas of their contribution in 10 – 20 minutes and to reserve ten minutes for the discussion. We plan to close the session around 3 p.m.

Virtual Guests:

Evening Programme: Buffet reception. Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Centrul Academic al ULBS (academic centre of the ULBS), b-dul Victoriei 10, rectorate of the ULBS.

Sunday, 2007-03-04

Excursion to the mountain resort of "Păltiniș" (Hohe Rinne), around 30 km from Sibiu. We depart at 11.30 a.m., with stops at the rectorate and the university house at str. Costache Negri. We will have lunch at Păltiniș between 1 and 2 p.m.; around 3 p.m. we will be back at Sibiu.

Ticket: 10 euro/person (34 RON)
Lunch: 10 Euro/person, excl. drinks

Conference fee: 50 RON (15 euro).

Cristina Tanc and Sara Konnerth (sarakonnerth @