Press Release

During its 15th Sanmarinian University Session (SUS 15), between 1995-08-26 / 09-03, AIS San Marino celebrated the tenth year of its legal existence. In 1985, after two years' preparations by international-speaking scientists, Dr. Fausta Morganti, then minister of the Sanmarinian government, officially founded the Akademio Internacia de la Sciencoj (AIS) San-Marino.

During an academic celebration, OProf. Dr. habil. Helmar Frank, president of the AIS, thanked the minister and reported about ten years of succesful work. During that time, AIS gained official recognition in Romania, Poland, and the Czech Republic and in these countries organized conferences with university-level courses, lectures, and final exams. Not only established scientists had their original degree acknowledged by an AIS exam but also students acquired such degrees originally from the AIS.

AIS could call about 250 scientists from over 50 countries for an honorary participation in its scientific sector. Some 50 of them are, as "ordaj profesoroj", the full members of the AIS. Beside the scientific sector (SciS), there is an artistic (ArS) and an technical (TeS) sector, as well as the sponsoring sector (SubS), whose members provide the necessary financial base to cover the administrative costs.

A special event for AIS was when Reinhard Selten, AIS member and co-founder, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1994. During SUS 15, AIS presented the bilingual edition (German and Esperanto) of the book "Enkonduko en la teorion de lingvaj ludoj" (Introduction to Lingustic Games), written by Selten and his co-author, Jonathan Pool, also from the AIS.

Also during SUS 15, AIS elected its third Senate.

Due to repair works in several public buildings in San Marino, SUS 15 could only partly take place in San Marino itself. The courses had to move to nearby Rimini (Italy), thereby constituting the first Italian Session of the AIS. Unfortunately this was decided somewhat late, so organizers as well as participants had problems planning. As a consequence, the audience was a comparatively low 50.

In 1996, AIS plans three conferences: in Nitra (Slovakia), en San Marino, and in Prague (Czech Republic), the latter about the same time as the Universal Congress of Esperanto. During that conference, Nobel-Prize winner Selten will offer a lecture. Still in december 1995, AIS will announce details about places and times for these conferences, so participants can plan ahead.

Scientists willing to join the International Scientific College (ISK) of the AIS may ask a "pripersona informilo" from the Scienca Sekretariejo, Kleinenberger Weg 16 B, DE-33100 Paderborn, Germany.

Or, they may get it here.